Since I'm too lazy and won't put all of my projects here, you can also check my Github
Loulou DLL Injector (LDI)
An app to inject DLLs in any exe on your PC. Mainly for modding or debugging.
View on GithubBeat Saver Map Presentation Image Generator
A simple program that creates a picture using the information associated with a Beat Saver map's ID.
View on GithubModding Scene
NexusMods Profile
Check out my mods and projects on NexusMods, where I currently post most of my mods.
View on NexusModsMod.io Profile
Check my mod.io page. It may not be as active as Nexus, but it's still there.
View on Mod.ioWhere I used my French translation skills
It's pretty rare that I make translations for games, but from time to time it's fun to help the games I love!